The articles in this volume were presented at a conference of the Orthodox Christian Religious Education Association on “The Mission of Orthodox Religious Education in Schools and Congregations – Visions and Challenges” held at the Shën Vlash Seminary in Durrës, Albania of the Orthodox Church of Albania, 17-19 November 2017. The proceedings deal with applying information and communication technology (ICT) into Orthodox Christian religious education at schools. The special focus is, how to make to most when implementing the different internet-based applications from a pedagogical perspective connected to Orthodox Christian religious education. There are also topics concerning child’s spiritual and moral development, catechesis as a part of secularized culture and as tool in congregations. Finally, there are presentations covering perspectives of the challenges and visions for religious education in the 21st century. The contents are in sections. The first one is a forum for discussions dealing with the ICT with classroom applications for new pedagogical solutions and practices in Orthodox Christian religious education. The second section contains papers concerning the upbringing and nurture of the child or a person in a congregation’s or school’s educational setting. The conference gathered together university professors and educators, independent scholars and students from Albania, Finland, Greece, Romania, Russia and the United States.
Автори Risto Aikonen и Андриан Александров
Издава Либрум, 2020 г.
Обем 146 стр.
ISBN 978-619-91095-6-4
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